Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Maxle lite rear axle problems

My current mountain bike has a Maxle Lite rear axle.

I got this because I was led to believe it would be alot stiffer than a conventional axle.

Sadly in 6 months I have managed to brake the axle twice.

Looking at the components and talking to Hope and Biketreks I can see that this is a design flaw in the quick release (QR) Maxle sleeve made by SRAM. The sleeve has a waste line at the very point where it needs to be full diameter.

Hope have been very informative and helpful and gave me a replacement axle free of charge.

Biketreks have also been extremely helpful and having been stone walled by SRAM have agreed to supply to me under warrenty a replacement QR sleeve made by Goldtec. My guess is that SRAM know they have a problem and will eventually get a fix out, but like many other similar issues they will not want to admit to it publicly because then they will be admitting liability.

I have also written about the issue on the STW forum.

Thank you Hope and Biketreks for excellent service.
Very refreshing to be treated so well.